For brands working with influencers (or planning to) there are four crucial elements you should consider before embarking on your campaign.

These tips won’t just make life that little bit simpler; they are guaranteed tactics to securing success in the future.

Match content to the influencer

Find influencers who have a following that resonate with your product/brand. While it may seem better to work with influencers who have a large following, a smaller audience may be more dedicated and engaged. Aside from matching the content to the desired audience, find someone who actually enjoys your product/brand. By doing this, the influencer is more likely to promote the brand through a genuine endorsement. If the influencer enjoys it, their audience is more inclined to purchase.

Communicate your expectations

Don’t wait until it’s too late to communicate what you would like to achieve from the campaign. Let them know your intended target audience, your expected ROI, timeframe, output, content, and what you hope to achieve at the end of the campaign to make sure you are on the same page. Letting the influencer know your expectations at the start will prevent any complications or miscommunications throughout the process.

Build your relationship

Don’t think of this as just a business transaction. It’s important to show interest in the content creator you’re working with. Influencers are more likely to be interested in working with you if you engage on a personal level. Focus on developing a symbiotic relationship. Take the time to look at their content and engage with it. Not only will this benefit your collaboration with the influencer, but also benefit your campaigns in the long run. It may also lead to additional influencer connections.

Track your results

This allows you to see what worked and what didn’t and if the influencer you thought would be the best in promoting the product actually was the best choice. It’s important to compare numbers on how many people the influencer could reach versus how many people the influencer did reach, not only for the current campaign but for measures in the future. Using tools like MatchMaker™, you can track your campaign, compare engagement, download your content and measure performance on one dashboard. It is the only way you will be able to calculate your return and set benchmarks for future campaigns.

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